The Changes for the New Hijriah Year 1431 - NLA Melaka OutletOn the first day of Awal Muharram, Friday, December 18, 2009, we had the first staff operational strategy briefing, focusing at a few key emphasized areas, mainly operational safety, finished serving quality, customer service and direction setting.
The first key change is the enforcement of the limited front desk counter services period to cater for the male crew of the outlet to
fulfill their Friday prayer obligation from 12:45 to 2:30 PM. This schedule will be enforced every Friday at the outlet. Hot meal orders from the kitchen will be suspended during the stated 1hr 45 minutes period but main dishes as served at the front counter will be made available as usual. The time allocated is more than essential given that the closest mosque for the tennants and visitors of the Dataran Pahlawan Megamall is not really a walking distance; as such, it is hoped that the City Hall will take that into consideration in the future infrastructure plan for the city. During major holidays, it is challenging enough to spot a vacant car park and let alone to have to drive to get to the closest mosque at Pulau Melaka.
Operational safety is the expectation that every team member is responsible to look after his or her safety as well as the safety of the others. Operational safety starts within one self which leads to the individual operational actions starting from the simplest task of switching lighting on and off to the crucial kitchen equipment and gas operations and handling. At NLA Melaka outlet, we want everyone to come to work and to go home safely. It is our leading principle that short cuts and unsafe behaviours are not acceptable.
Our job is to ensure that we provide
quality finished serving for our customers. All the meals in our menu will be checked before they get to the front counter. Each team member is dedicated to have the ownership for the quality of specific serving meal, including how it tastes. We haved obtained the helps we needed to ensure the originality of nasi lemak Kampung Baru taste at our outlet and the article about that will follow.
Attending to customers' needs is key to our success. With young crew team members from a combination of new university graduates, under graduates, diploma & certificate holders as well as some selected young and enthusiatic talents who are currently trying to learn to do the best job, we ocassionally encounter some challenging experiences. While it is part and parcel of the service industry, our crew team members are encouraged to begin the journey to excellent customer service by learning to build self confidence. A simple greeting with hi or a smile to the customers would make a big difference! We will not have script, forced expression or a standard phrase to say, but we want to be honest, genuine and sincere in our action and interface with our customers. Soon, we will be recognized for our unique quality of our customer service.
Our establishment in Melaka is a start. We would like to ensure that our capacity to serve the Malay culinary choices and needs of the Dataran Pahlawan and the the Herritage Park visitors are met. With 200 seat capacity and large space area, we want to provide the comfort and place to meet all day long. Our menu will continue to be added and from time to time, more Malay dishes will be made available for our custormers and visitors. Come and experience the late night tranquility on top of the Dataran Pahlawan, the kind of space and view one would not have in other bustling cities in the world including in KL. However, in Melaka, our space has not been utilized or "abused" enough to light up the night of Melaka center point!! Yes, we are open until 2:00 AM and we are prepared to be awake until 3:00 AM if our seats are seated!